It has come to our attention that some websites have been copying Mooslover official website without authorization.
These materials include but are not limited to, product images and videos from our company, brand name and product description, brand policy desrciption, promotion images and videos, contents from our influencerswith collaboration.
This act not only violates our intellectual property rights but also undermines the trust between us, our customers, and our partners.
We take this matter very seriously and have already taken legal action to protect our rights. We hereby make the following solemn declaration:
1. Our company (Mooslover) owns the copyrights to all materials published on our official website, including all images, videos, and other media content.
2. Without our written authorization, no individual or organization is permitted to copy, reprint, modify, or use these contents in any other way.
3. We reserve the right to take all necessary legal actions to defend our rights, including but not limited to holding the infringing party legally responsible.
We also encourage our customers, partners, and the public to notify us if similar violations are discovered, so we can take timely action to maintain a healthy and fair online environment.
Here's our official social media profile and related link:
Mooslover Official Website  Mooslover PR Website
Instagram Official Account | Facebook Official Page | Youtube Channel
X Official Account  |  Pinterest Official Account
Tiktok_UK  Tiktok_US   Amazon Store Â
Please be note that only orders from the profile/website are official. We are not responsible to any order from fake websites. If you're not sure if it's legit or not. Please contact for further conversion.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your understanding and support. We will continue to provide high-quality products and services and are committed to protecting our mutual interests.

Thank you for your support and trust in our company.